Publications » A Relational Response to Climate Change
A Relational Response to Climate Change

Category: Sallux Publications
ISBN: 978-94-92697-23-3
Subtitle: By Calum Samuelson MA

The challenge of climate change is one of the defining issues the world is facing at the start of the 2020s. It has mobilised a whole new generation of social activists, some of whom are going to extreme lengths to confront the public and especially political leaders with the threat that climate change makes to their future and the planet as a whole.

Calum Samuelson is an ordained minister from Seattle, USA who has opted to live in intergenerational households for the past several years with his wife and son. He is the author of several Jubilee Centre publications, including Just Pay (2019) and Artificially Intelligent? (2019) and holds two master’s degrees in historical theology.

This publication is now also available in Dutch.