A Europe built from the ground up The EU has brought peace and prosperity as well as democracy for hundreds of millions of people. The fragile process that began after WWII has become a home for many who enjoy being citizens of an EU Member State. Nevertheless, it is clear that the EU faces serious challenges. Too often we are guided more by what divides us than by what unites us. There is an urgent need to see Europe as our common reality in which we all live protected by the rule of law and a social market economy. This common need and reality is founded on respect for human dignity, which in turn is based on and derived from Christianity. The first article of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights states: ''Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected.'' Without a focus on our common human dignity, it will be very difficult to maintain the EU in the long run. In order to create a better common understanding in Europe, we need to create more mutual understanding in the EU between people from different countries, confessions (and none) and convictions. The way to create this understanding is conversation. We need more real conversation about those issues, which are dividing us. We, also, need conversations that uncover what unites us. The EU has no future without dialogue and reconciliation. Europe needs to be supported by a bottom-up approach. Different perspectives must come together on the level of our societies. One serious challenge Europe faces is how we deal with both existing and new diversity. There is a challenge in Europe when it comes to integration of those who arrived from outside Europe into our societies. We, as Sallux, reject the nationalist and/or secularist premises, that try to disqualify people of faith (regardless of their religion) of being part of our society as adherents to their faith. Those premises run counter with freedom of religion. We do however, see the need of integration based on the acceptance of fundamental freedoms, equality and human dignity. EU policy making and especially the further institutional development in the EU, needs to be connected with the pace of our societies. It is possible to be principled and enthusiastic pro-EU, without embracing the idea the EU intitutions should draw more and more competences to themselves. Moving back some competences to the Member States and strengthening other competences at EU level is the only development, which will ensure a robust future of the Union. The EU needs long-term democratic legitimacy. Democratic legitimacy in tune with the needs and wishes of the citizens of the Member States. Sallux supports bottom-up dialogue with respect for one another's human dignity, about the future of the EU.

Visit Sallux at our booth E34 during the KCF25 exhibition from 6 to 8 March 2025 in Karlsruhe
Sallux | ECPM Foundation would like to inform you that we are visiting the KCF 25 exhibition in Karlsruhe.

The Kurdish Situation as example of how our foreign policy creates immigration
The situation of the Kurds is a clear example of how our foreign policy supports and appeases extremist and totalitarian regimes and how that leads to people becoming refugees in Europe.

Women, Men and Human Dignity
The re-election of former President Trump has put a spotlight on one new global phenomenon that is also present in Europe. A global socio-political gap is emerging between young men and women who are part of Gen Z.

Demographics: and the need for an economy that supports families
Demographics in Europe is changing rapidly. Either we change our economy or we will soon face massive problems in essential services such as healthcare, police and so on. We therefore need a fundamental change in what we really value in our society and we need an economy that supports families.

A Strong EU thanks to Strong Values and Strong Member States
During the Maastricht debate between the Spitzenkandidaten of the European political parties, Maylis Roßberg of the European Free Alliance stated that “The European Union has become hostage to its member states. But for me there’s a simple solution for that: Strengthen the European Parliament.”

Human dignity is truly the only foundation for a common future!
Across Europe we see a continuation of polarization. Deep social and cultural rifts translate in very personal clashes of all kinds of (geo)political issues.

“Spoken Word ‘Human Together’: A Relational Economy.”
Political think tank Sallux presents ‘Human Together’, a vision on how a healthy economy could look like.

Looking back and looking forward in promoting human dignity
From the director: Summary of Sallux work in 2022 and Christmas greetings

Future of the European Union
As Sallux we see the first and foremost purpose of the EU in its values. Upholding human dignity and fundamental freedoms in and outside the EU as well as fostering peace in and outside Europe are the fundamental building bricks of the EU now and of its future.

A conversation between citizens and cultures in the EU over the EU Budget.
As we are approaching the real debate on the EU Budget and as we see the emotions flaring up around this issue due to the coronacrisis we try to do something that resembles a conversation between citizens and cultures in the EU over the EU Budget.

Is The Party Over?
Jeff Fountain is the director of the Schuman Centre for European Studies in Amsterdam, which offers biblical perspectives on Europe's past, present and future. This article was originally published in their "Weekly Word" series and is reposted with the author’s kind permission.

Chinese Police deployments in EU-member Hungary

Nasadenie čínskej polície v Maďarsku

A Community of Peoples

Safeguarding Freedom of Speech in Regulating Online Political Advertising

Confederal Europe

Konföderales Europa: Starke Nationen, Starke Einheit

Confederal Europe 2

Towards a Europe of Hope, Healing & Hospitality

Fear Not!

Hope in Times of Crisis

You are warmly invited to join in the online event ‘VIGILATE EUROPA’ on the future of Christian democracy and traditionalism in Europe, organised by the “Centre for Christian Democracy and Traditional Values“ in Lithuania and Sallux The event will take place on November 29, 10:30-15:00 Vilnius time (CET+2) on-line and at the Seimas (Parliament) of the Republic of Lithuania. The online meeting will have simultaneous interpretation into English, French and Lithuanian.

NL Webinar: Een christelijke blik op asielmigratie
Asielmigratie blijft een grote splijtzwam in Nederland en dat geldt ook voor christenen. Waar de een hamert op draagvlak, benadrukt de ander barmhartigheid. Onze benadering is gebaseerd op cijfers en feiten, die dus niet meteen als ‘links’ of ‘rechts’ in te delen is. We willen deze benadering presenteren in een webinar op 4 april aanstaande.

A family-centred Europe as the solution to the demographic challenge
This webinar will examine some of the complex factors including cultural shifts, economic pressures, and social changes. Together, we’ll explore topics such as changing family dynamics, urbanization, housing affordability, and the evolving roles of education and work.

Event Report: Conversations that build a Common Future
Between 12 and 15 May in the beautiful surroundings of Esztergom and the Danube river we had a great time and really deep conversations over what divides and unites us in Europe.

Event Report Conference: Beyond Association Agreement and DCFTA - Prospects and Challenges
This one-day conference was designed to inform and update all the participants who had keen interest in the EU-Georgia relations, on Georgia’s foreign policy line.

Event Report: Webinar "The EU Corona Budget, an emotional moment for the EU"
There is a lot at stake when it comes to the EU Corona Budget. The Commission proposed a 750 billion euro emergency package which created a lot of debate and controversy. Sallux wants to provide both insight in the reactions in the member-states and in the content of the proposal.

Event Report: Seminar on Christian Politics in Eastern and Western Europe
On the 16th – 17th July, 2020, the Sallux Foundation and CDI Georgia organized a 2-day seminar on Christian Politics aimed at building awareness in the CDPP and YCD young members of the basic Christian Democratic values.

Salt & Light Event 2020: Post - Corona Socioeconomic Implications in EU Member States
On the 29th of May 2020, our 10th General Members’ Assembly was held this time through Zoom. The formal GMA was followed by an informal program in which Sallux Members informed us on how the corona crisis impacted their work and what they see as important consequences on the economy and society of this crisis.

Event Report: Tbilisi Conference on Georgia’s EU Integration Policy
The national conference on Georgia’s EU Integration Policy was held in Tbilisi on November 9th and 10th.

Event Report: Making The Case for Freedom
Human Rights & Free Speech in Europe today

Event Report: Towards a Europe of Stakeholder Nations
On April 11 Sallux presented its second publication in the ‘Confederal Europe project’ that emphasizes the relations between the peoples and nations of Europe and is pointing a way forward based on the Judeo-Christian roots of the EU in the spirit of the EU founding fathers.

Event Report: The Future of the EU and the EMU
The future of EU and EMU is under discussion. Especially since there are the EU Comission proposals for the development of EMU and the European Parliament elections are in June 2019. There is a need in analysis and vision of the future of EU and EMU. Is a confederal vision better than a federal?

Event Report: "The Christian Perspective of a United Europe: Roots and the Future."
"Deeply Rooted" International Conference on Christian values which formed the basis of the European Union. Presentation of the translation of the book into Ukrainian.

Event Report: "Do we want to go forward? Then look back! The Christian roots in Europe and the West".
On the 23rd of January 2018, The Clapham Institute, Johannelund Theological Seminary and Sallux arranged a conference day in Sweden on the Christian roots of European and Western civilization.

Event Report: State of Europe Forum 2017 : Towards a Europe of Hope, Healing and Hospitality!
The sunny island of Malta is the President of the Council of Europe (#EU2017MT) for the first half of 2017. 9th of May, Europe day is thus celebrated in Maltese style. Sallux and the Schuman Centre of European Studies organized once again their State of Europe Forum in the beautiful city of Valletta on 7th & 8th of May. .

Event Sallux: Towards a Relational Europe!
In order to create a sharper profile of our organisation and to enhance the rebranding the Christian Political Foundation for Europe has changed its name to Sallux. The purpose is to become a better recognised organisation that ‘stands out in the crowd’.
Event Report: Helsinki seminar day: "Faith and the EU"
Last month, on the 19th of November, CPFE, in cooperation with the Finnish Christian Democrat party (KD) and the Schuman Centre for European studies, organised a seminar day in Helsinki called “Usko ja EU” (Faith and the EU). The main speakers were Jeff Fountain, Jonathan Chaplin, Sari Essayah and Anneli Portman. Mr. Laukkanen (MP KD) chaired the event.

Event Report: Future of the Euro
As new tensions arise around the future of the eurozone it was the right moment to revisit the future of the Euro. The relevance of the topic became clear in the larger interest than expected when attendants defied the warm weather at 10 June in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Event Report: "SEEK THE COMMON GOOD" - The State of Europe Forum 2016
"Europeans must rise above narrow horizons of national interest, seek the international common good and urge fellow citizens to do likewise", argued dr. Jonathan Chaplin at the State of Europe Forum in Amsterdam (May 8 & 9).

Event Report: Which Europe?
‘Which Europe?’, a thought provoking evening hosted by Theos and CPFE. The event took place at 27 January 2016 in London.

Event Report: ‘’Fear Not!” - the State of Europe Forum 2015 in Riga
The Christian Political Foundation for Europe (CPFE) in partnership with the Schuman Centre for European Studies arranged on the 8 and 9 May in Riga, ‘’The State of Europe Forum’’.