Streams » Economy & Geopolitics
Economy & Geopolitics

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Visit Sallux at our booth E34 during the KCF25 exhibition from 6 to 8 March 2025 in Karlsruhe

Thursday, February 13, 2025
Sallux | ECPM Foundation would like to inform you that we are visiting the KCF 25 exhibition in Karlsruhe.

The Kurdish Situation as example of how our foreign policy creates immigration

Monday, December 30, 2024
The situation of the Kurds is a clear example of how our foreign policy supports and appeases extremist and totalitarian regimes and how that leads to people becoming refugees in Europe.

Women, Men and Human Dignity

Thursday, November 28, 2024
The re-election of former President Trump has put a spotlight on one new global phenomenon that is also present in Europe. A global socio-political gap is emerging between young men and women who are part of Gen Z.

Can we have a rational conversation about immigration?

Friday, September 6, 2024
Much of Europe’s left, centrist and centre-right voices expressed various degrees of shock and unease over the results of the extreme-right AfD in Saxony and Thuringia last Sunday 1 September. These results cannot be simply be put in the same ‘box’ as other election results in which populist parties have made gains or even gained power.

Demographics: and the need for an economy that supports families

Friday, July 5, 2024
Demographics in Europe is changing rapidly. Either we change our economy or we will soon face massive problems in essential services such as healthcare, police and so on. We therefore need a fundamental change in what we really value in our society and we need an economy that supports families.

Human dignity is truly the only foundation for a common future!

Monday, March 25, 2024
Across Europe we see a continuation of polarization. Deep social and cultural rifts translate in very personal clashes of all kinds of (geo)political issues.

Newest publication: If you want peace, prepare for war!

Monday, November 6, 2023
We are proud to announce we have finalized the translation of the original French book ''Si tu veux la paix, prépare la guerre!'' by French Army Colonel/scholar François-Régis Legrier.

Ending support for extremism through foreign policy

Wednesday, November 1, 2023
We have ended up in the depressing situation that we are now as Europe surrounded by wars and military conflict. It is obvious that the attack by Hamas against Israel was horrific and outright evil and that it is clear that Israel cannot exist if Hamas also exists. As more than enough has been said over this conflict, it is more useful to focus on an angle that has wide-ranging implications for the foreign policy of the EU and EU Member States. The question is ‘who supports Hamas’?

Towards a Foreign Policy that Offers Solutions

Tuesday, June 13, 2023
One of the core ideas that Sallux has presented and represented is the notion that we as EU and EU Member States need to cooperate with those outside Europe who try to implement fundamental freedoms. Based on our experience with North-East Syria we know that this is feasible in practice

Back to the roots?

Monday, February 6, 2023
The dominance of shareholders in the economy creates a situation that leads to extraction as primary mechanism in our economy in order to create continuous increasing dividends. Clearly, this is not only putting ever more pressure on workers but also on SME’s and natural resources. It should be obvious that this is an unsustainable situation. How is this connected to the migration and asylum crisis?

“Spoken Word ‘Human Together’: A Relational Economy.”

Friday, February 3, 2023
Political think tank Sallux presents ‘Human Together’, a vision on how a healthy economy could look like.

Looking back and looking forward in promoting human dignity

Monday, December 12, 2022
From the director: Summary of Sallux work in 2022 and Christmas greetings

Easter Message

Friday, April 15, 2022
This Easter we will celebrate that Christ is risen and that there is hope amidst the terrible things that are happening right now. The challenge is whether we truly understand Easter and whether God’s love for all people will also shape how we as Europe approach the world beyond our continent.

Statement on the crisis in Ukraine

Thursday, February 24, 2022
Sallux strongly condemns Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine today. Ukraine is an independent, sovereign, autonomous country and by invading it, Putin broke international law, former agreements and pacts. It is an attack on European security and stability and utterly reprehensible. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine will only bring misery and pain to the people in Ukraine and Russia.

In Defense of Freedom

Friday, February 18, 2022
A comment on the situation of Ukraine: At 21 January last the Russian, Iranian and Chinese naval forces conducted joint drills in the Indian Ocean. The broad agreement among foreign affairs observers agreed that this was one more sign of the growing cooperation between these three powers.

Climate Change and System Change

Thursday, October 7, 2021
As I am writing this, Oman is being hit by a cyclone. Sadly, several people have died due to this disaster that is actually very rare in that part of the world. It is a worrying part of a pattern in the climate change that we are witnessing.

The role of the global mining industry now and in the future

Tuesday, July 13, 2021
The report was generated for Kompassi, a member organization of Sallux, in a Project course of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Environmental Engineering Diploma Program. The valuable input of students and teachers is hereby acknowledged.

A roadmap for Finland to circular plastic economy

Tuesday, July 13, 2021
This report was generated for Kompassi, a member organization of Sallux, in a Project course of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Environmental Engineering Diploma Program. The valuable input of students and teachers is hereby acknowledged.

Economy & Geopolitics

Wednesday, March 31, 2021
This is the second reflection based on the four streams of Sallux. This reflection focuses on 'Economy and Geopolitics'

Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Thursday, December 24, 2020
That is our heartfelt wish for all of our members, partners and readers of our newsletter as we look back to a very difficult year of 2020.

TTIP: Economy should support life

Thursday, November 3, 2016
A lot has been said about free trade deals like CETA and TTIP. Issues that have not been raised are questions like: Is economic growth the only option and should it be prioritised above all else?

Related Publications

Chinese Police deployments in EU-member Hungary

€ 0.00
An analysis of potential consequences for human rights, Schengen data and EU security.

A European Africa Agenda 2025-2100

€ 17.50
Towards effective long-term strategies for migration. Edited by Dr. Arleen Westerhof

If you want peace, prepare for war

€ 17.50
An essay on just war. By François-Régis Legrier MA

Nasadenie čínskej polície v Maďarsku

€ 0.00
členskom štáte EÚ Analýza možných následkov na ľudské práva, schengenské dáta a bezpečnosť EÚ

Two States for Two Peoples?

€ 19.50
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict, international law and European Union policy. By Prof. Wolfgang Bock, Andrew Tucker BCL, Prof. Gregory Rose

From Extraction to Creation

€ 10.00
Towards a Stakeholder Economy. By Dr. Stephen Backhouse, Dr. Eve Poole

Engaging Ethnic Minorities

€ 0.00
Definition, Discernment and Diplomacy

Thoughtful Eating

€ 14.50
A biblical perspective on food, relationships and the environment. By Hannah Eves, Katherine Martin, Andrew Phillips, Peter Redmayne

A new direction for investment

€ 0.00
A change of heart: towards a new direction for investment

After Capitalism

€ 12.50
Rethinking Economic Relationships. By Dr. Paul Mills, Dr. Michael Schluter

Startup Europe

€ 15.00
The entrepreneurs transforming Europe. By Nicolai Strøm-Olsen and Hermund Haaland

Stronger Families for a Flourishing Society

€ 10.00
Reflections on families as the cornerstone of society. By FAFCE

Economics of the Family

€ 15.00
Theories, institutions, policies and values. By Prof. Lubomír Mlcoch

In essence Economy is about life!

€ 10.00
Relationships as guiding principles for a new economy. By Prof. Dirk Bezemer and Prof. Lans Bovenberg

Secrets of the Kingdom Economy

€ 13.50
How You Can Flourish in God's Economy. By Paul L. Cuny

Nach dem Kapitalismus

€ 0.00
Auf dem Weg in ein beziehungsorientiertes Wirtschaftssystem

Economic Summit Declaration 2016

€ 0.00
Finding Solutions for Global Economic Problems

Personal Freedom Through Debt Relief

€ 0.00
How Social Mentorship Brings People to Financial Autonomy

Related Events

Thinking beyond Moria

Friday, April 9, 2021: Towards long term strategies for migration. An online symposium in partnership with the European Economic Summit and the Scientific Institute of the Christian Union.

Online evenement: Rondom Afghanistan

Chaos en ellende in Afghanistan. Hoe heeft dit kunnen gebeuren en hebben we dit kunnen voorkomen? Was de twintigjarige Nederlandse missie in Afghanistan zinvol? Hoe moet het nu verder met Afghanistan? Deze en nog veel meer vragen en gespreksonderwerpen komen aan bod tijdens het online evenement: Rondom Afghanistan. This is a Dutch speaking event, without translation!

Iraq: update on a fragile and unstable nation

You are most welcome to join us at 21 June at 14:00CET  in room 1H1 for this update on the situation in Iraq

Israël on Trial International Conference

The current crisis of international law, peace and security in the Middle East

Webinar: Europäische Wirtschaft, Außenpolitik und Migration

Die Sallux ECPM Foundation bietet jedem, der mehr über die europäische Wirtschafts- und Außenpolitik und ihre Auswirkungen auf Migration und Fluchtursachen wissen oder darüber diskutieren möchte, die Möglichkeit dazu. Am 2 November 2023 jeweils um 19:30 Uhr finden Online-Seminare statt, in denen Johannes de Jong die Präsentation näher erläutern und Fragen beantworten wird.

NL Webinar: ‘Het Grotere Plaatje; Israël als deel van het Midden-Oosten’

Terwijl veel ogen gericht zijn op de oorlog tussen Israel en Hamas en het menselijk leed onder Israeli’s en Palestijnen, is er ook een groeiend besef dat dit verbonden is aan wat er gebeurd is en gebeurd in het Midden-Oosten als geheel. De vraag naar het grotere plaatje en de verbanden met de regio neemt toe. Veel christenen zoeken naar meer helderheid hierover.

Webinar with Paul Mills: Cashing Out? Biblical Thoughts on the Future of Money

The Jubilee Centre, in partnership with Cambridge Papers and Sallux, is planning to host a webinar with Paul Mills on the topic of ‘Biblical Thoughts on the Future of Money’ on Monday January 29th 2024 at 7:30pm, UK time. (20:30 CET)

The Anatomy of Forgiveness

In this session Rvd Dr Ian Stackhouse will reflect, both on a pastoral as well as a political level, on the complexities around the matter of forgiveness. The webinar is based on our latest featured blog titled: Israel and Gaza.

NL Webinar: Een christelijke blik op asielmigratie

Asielmigratie blijft een grote splijtzwam in Nederland en dat geldt ook voor christenen. Waar de een hamert op draagvlak, benadrukt de ander barmhartigheid. Onze benadering is gebaseerd op cijfers en feiten, die dus niet meteen als ‘links’ of ‘rechts’ in te delen is. We willen deze benadering presenteren in een webinar op 4 april aanstaande.

Towards a Better Approach to Asylum

Explore the gospel's impact on human dignity and migration in this transformative webinar. Inspired by Colossians 3:11, delve into theological foundations, ethical considerations, and policy implications with expert speakers.

A family-centred Europe as the solution to the demographic challenge

This webinar will examine some of the complex factors including cultural shifts, economic pressures, and social changes. Together, we’ll explore topics such as changing family dynamics, urbanization, housing affordability, and the evolving roles of education and work.

Event Report: Salt & Light Event: ‘A Christian perspective on geopolitics’

Wednesday, June 15, 2022
At the 11th Salt & Light event of Sallux speakers shed light on ongoing several regional geopolitical issues. The aim of the discussed topics was to help shape an understanding of the interrelation of these issues and how to approach them from a Christian perspective.

Event Report: Webinar ‘Business and Financial Markets Post-Corona’

Tuesday, July 7, 2020
‘Back to normal’ but what if normal pre-Corona was actually abnormal? What should be the new norm for our economy and economic policies when we try to restart the economy? At our webinar ‘Business and Financial Markets Post-Corona’ we have been evaluating where we are and how to find a new road and new goals.

Event Report: Breakfast Meeting: SMEs and Family Welfare; A Challenge for the future of Europe

Monday, February 10, 2020
“The family is not here for the economy, but the economy is here for the family! We need a re-assortment of the purpose of economy. Caring love is what we need, otherwise there are detrimental consequences for our societies” - J. de Jong, Director Sallux

Event Report International Conference: "After Capitalism: Economy, Values And Sustainable Society. Ukraine meets Europe"

Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Introduction of the Ukrainian translation of the book "After Capitalism" by Michael Schluter and Paul Mills.

Event Report: The European Union’s policies concerning Jerusalem and the “Two-state Solution”

Wednesday, January 16, 2019
A seminar on the legal status of Jerusalem under international law and the future of the Two-State Solution took place on January 8-9, 2019 in the Czech Parliament in Prague.

Event report: Family and Finance, a possible alliance?

Monday, October 22, 2018
On October 16th Sallux had the pleasure to cooperate with our partner FAFCE (European Federation of Catholic Family Associations) at an event which centred around the topic of alignement of family and economics.

Event Report: European Economic Summit 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018
The Economic Summit Europe meeting in The Hague and in Amsterdam on April 12th and 13th 2018 was well received. In this meeting we focused on the practical application of the Economics of Mutuality in business and management practice as well as in government and public policy.

Event Report: Supporting Democracy in Syria

Monday, April 16, 2018
From 10th to 13th of April Sallux had the honor to host a delegation from the Executive Council of The Federation of Northern Syria through a series of events and high-level meetings.

Event report: “The Economic and Refugee Crises: Political, Religious and Spiritual Dimensions”

Tuesday, February 27, 2018
This conference, Under the aegis of His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew took a deeper look in the combination of the Economic and Refugee crisis for Greek and European people as well as the situation for refugees and migrants.

Event report: Poverty Inc, Developing Development

Friday, December 1, 2017
During a well-attended event inside the European Parliament, Sallux, in corporation with Acton Institute and hosted by MEP Branislav Škripek, presented the documentary movie: Poverty Inc.

Event report: After genocide: A Last Call for A Future for Christians in Iraq

Monday, July 3, 2017
On June 28-30, a major international conference on the Future of Christians and other minorities in Iraq took place in the European Parliament, Brussels. Lars Adaktusson MEP (EPP Group, Sweden) hosted the event together with Sallux and co-hosts from all major European party groups.

Event Report: Sustainable development in Eastern Europe; 7-9 April, Kiev, Ukraine

Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Foundation for Democracy Initiatives and Sallux 7-9 of April held an international conference themed: "Sustainable development in Eastern Europe - security, cooperation based on Christian values”. The event took place in hotel "Verkhovyna" in Kyiv.

Event Report: Hope, help and empowerment for Iraqi Christians

Monday, November 28, 2016
FICDD, Christian Political Foundation for Europe, UPGO University and DTRC held a conference with 60 representatives of Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian political parties, NGO’s, Women-organisations, Academics and young people.

Event Report: EES2016: “Business and Economics Promoting Justice, Integrity and Human Flourishing.”

Friday, September 9, 2016
The European Economic Summit (EES) is an invitation only event co-organised by Sallux in Amsterdam. This year we examined how new models can be used to promote justice, integrity and human flourishing in the times in which we live.

Event Report: Christianity and the Future of our Societies

Friday, August 19, 2016
The Association of Reformational Philosophy (ARP) and Evangelische Theologische Faculteit (Evangelical Theological Faculty) Leuven organised this event in cooperation with the CPFE.

Event Report: First Impressions

Sunday, June 19, 2016
To launch ‘First Impressions’ and to start a dialogue between Dutch citizens and newcomers, Verhalen van Vluchtelingen and First Impressions organised a special evening together within the theme of “first impressions” at 19 June in Amsterdam

Event Report: ‘Virtuous business and youth unemployment’

Friday, April 22, 2016
Several leaders in business, civil society and politics took part in a lively discussion on youth unemployment and the role of ‘virtuous business’ at 21 April, London. Res Publica facilitated and organised this event in cooperation with Resurgo Trust and CPFE.

Event Report: Roundtable 'Response to the Asylum Crisis along the refugee route'

Friday, February 19, 2016
Mr. Branislav Skripek MEP (ECR/Slovakia) opened the Roundtable by clearly admitting that so far politics had failed to produce a comprehensive or any other real workable solution for this crisis. He then went on to describe how the Slovakian government refused to give a place to more refugees. Finally he stressed the need to solve the crisis at the root of the problem which is primarily in Syria.

Event Report: European Economic Summit 2015: ‘We live in a world of relations and need mutuality in our economy’

Saturday, August 29, 2015
The CPFE is pleased to look back at a very successful continuation of the European Economic Summit. Between 26 and 28 August many CEO’s, politicians and religious and civil society leaders and representatives met in Amsterdam and delved into the theme ‘Relational Thinking and the Economics of Mutuality’.