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Past Events

Christianity and the Future of our Societies

Thursday, December 1, 2016
The Association of Reformational Philosophy (ARP) and Evangelische Theologische Faculteit (Evangelical Theological Faculty) Leuven organised this event in cooperation with the CPFE. From 15 to 19 August over 100 academics from different disciplines and from all continents to took part in this conference in Leuven, Belgium. Noemi Mena Montes and Johannes de Jong lead on behalf of CPFE a workshop and a plenary discussion on the refugee crisis and the questions of human dignity and identity that emerged from this situation.

International Lounge @ Congress of Christian Leaders 2017

Thursday, February 23, 2017
Can Christian values and management go together? – The “Congress of Christian Leaders”, a summit conference on values and management, says YES and gives examples of how Christian business leaders can be role models both as leaders and as Christians.

“Sustainability in Eastern Europe – security, cooperation and Christian values”

Friday, April 7, 2017
Together with the Foundation for Assistance of Democratic Initiatives (FDI) Sallux is organizing a seminar the Ukraine from Friday 7 to Sunday April 9th. This event will address the security of Ukraine from a ‘Christian values’ perspective.

A Relational Plan for Europe

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Sallux is pleased to announce that on 11 April we will present our next publication which will outline an alternative future for the EU. The final title of the publication will be announced soon.

LIFE AFTER IS: ensuring a safe return for persecuted minorities

Wednesday, April 26, 2017
On the 26th of April 2017 Member of European Parliament (MEP) Peter van Dalen (ECR/ECPM) is hosting a conference on the position of persecuted minorities in the Middle East.

State of Europe Forum 2017: Towards A Europe of Hope , Healing & Hospitality

Sunday, May 7, 2017
The Annual State of Europe Forum (#SOEF17) opens with a public celebration & procession from St. Paul’s to St. John’s to Upper Barrakka Garden on SUNDAY MAY 7, 17.30 - 20.30 The Forum, on Monday May 8, will be held in the Valletta Campus of the University of Malta.

Meet-up Session: Michael Schluter about "Confederal Europe: Strong Nations, Strong Union

Tuesday, May 23, 2017
You are welcome to have a meet-up with Michael Schluter. In an informal setting Michael will introduce shortly the in's and out's of the new Sallux publication: Confederal Europe, Strong Nations, Strong Union. For more information and/or attendance contact

Christendom mainstreaming - Revaluating and reconfirming the role of Christianity in European policy

Wednesday, May 24, 2017
FREE ENTRANCE / REGISTRY REQUIRED During this conference, several speakers will explore the need and the ways to put Christian thinking back at the basis of European policy. Christian thinking has been set aside by a large part of the European Institutions in the last decades.

Preventing abortion in Europe; legal framework and social policies

Thursday, June 22, 2017
The widespread use of abortion is a social problem and a matter of public health that affects the whole society and engages our future. The purpose of this seminar is to identify good practices for effective abortion prevention policies, particularly among young people.

Salt&Light event: expert lunchmeeting on Palliative care

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
The Sallux Salt&Light event is a special event which we combine with the annual General Members Assembly (GMA) which will be hosted by one of the member organizations. This expert lunchmeeting will be held in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council for Europe (PACE). The topic of this meeting will be palliative care and the speaker is Senator Ronan Mullen (Ireland).

The Future of Nineveh Plain (Iraq)

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Sallux will co-host (in cooperation with Mr. Lars Adaktusson MEP) a high-level conference that will focus at the future of Nineveh Plain in Iraq. The conference will take place from 28 (evening) to 30 June in Brussels. The conference is strictly invitation-only.

Capitalism Reformed!

Thursday, September 21, 2017
Does society and the economy need a reformation? Hervormd Kapitalisme! Is de maatschappij en de economie toe aan een reformatie?

Carpathian Diplomacy - Academy of Christian Foreign Affairs

Friday, November 10, 2017
"Christian diplomacy" or "Christian democratic foreign policy" are hard found these days. We believe that it's a good thing if also committed Christian (democrat) diplomats, foreign- and security policy experts as well as foreign policy makers will be trained and take their values in their work. We hope we can partly provide in this training during this academy.

The Embryo Protection Act and the Proposed Reform

Monday, November 13, 2017
Informed discussion on Social, Psychological and Legal Implications Of Surrogacy and Gamete Donation in Malta and Europe

Poverty Inc.: Developing development

Thursday, November 30, 2017
Good intentions not always turn out well or sometimes even have negative side-effects. The West has positioned itself as the protagonist of development, giving rise to a vast multi-billion dollar (or €) poverty industry — the business of doing good has never been better. This event is hosted by MEP Branislav Skripek (Slovakia ECR / president ECPM) in the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.

Stand (301) @ MEHRForum during MEHR 2018 Conference in Augsburg, Germany

Thursday, January 4, 2018
Sallux will present a range of publications, speakers and topics at our stand (nr. 301) @ MEHR Forum.

Conference: The political, religious and spiritual dimension of the Economic AND Refugee crisis

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Since June 2015 Europe has been confronted with an unprecedented sudden wave of refugees and migrants in addition to the previously existing refugee and migrant streams. Churches, Christian NGO’s and Christian politicians have tried to respond at the situation at hand. However there has not been much opportunity to reflect on the broader religious, spiritual and economic consequences and implications of the situation in a broad ecumenical setting. This is what this CEMES/Sallux project aims to offer.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Από τον Ιούνιο του 2015 η Ευρώπη αντιμετωπίζει ένα πρωτοφανές κύμα προσφύγων και μεταναστών σε σχέση με τις πρότερες αντίστοιχες υφιστάμενες μεταναστευτικές και προσφυγικές ροές.

A Future for democracy in Syria

Tuesday, April 10, 2018
The Democratic Federation of North Syria (DFNS) was founded on the principles of gender equality, ethnic and religious tolerance, sustainable ecology, and self-defence. This high-level conference presents international speakers on this very important topic and will also have important representatives of the DFNS, form Syria itself. REGISTRATION CLOSED!

Economic Summit Europe 2018: Theme: “Making government and business mutual.”

Thursday, April 12, 2018
From the start Sallux has been engaged in the Economic Summit European meetings. This years edition will take place on 12-13 April 2018 in The Netherlands.

Christian Perspective for a United Europe: roots and future

Tuesday, May 29, 2018
During this international conference in the beautiful city of Lviv, Ukraine we will take a look at the Christian values which formed the basis of the European Union.

Salt&Light event: ‘Strengthening Regional Christian Nongovernmental Organisations Networking’

Saturday, June 9, 2018
After this years Sallux General Members Assembly in Timisoara, Romania Sallux organized a Salt&Light event together with it's hosting member Areopagus Institute.

Family and Finance: a possible alliance?

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Sallux has the pleasure to invite you to an event which will centre around the topic of alignement of family and economics. The event is taking place with cooperation of our partner FAFCE (European Federation of Catholic Family Associations).

Actions speak louder than Words Conference

Saturday, November 24, 2018
The conference was the participation of specialist national and international delegates all working actively to promote Christian Values in politics throughout all European states. The aim of this conference was to address current issues like Economy & trade, Migration & Refugee crisis, Freedom of expression and -religion, fraud & corruption prevention and the security of the Maltese islands and the European Union.

European Defence cooperation: Unintended effects of current policies!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Member of the European Parliament Marek Jurek , commissioned by the European Conservatives and Reformists group (ECR group) will organize this conference to review the current intentions of the European Commission with respect to defence (materiel) cooperation and Unintended effects of current policies! This conference is organized on the basis of the Sallux paper: What future for European Defence: One size fits all?

Towards a Europe of Stakeholder Nations

Thursday, April 11, 2019
Presentation new Sallux publication in the ‘Confederal Europe’ project.

Salt and Light Event: Family as the cornerstone for Country and Society

Friday, June 14, 2019
This year our annual Salt and Light event will be held in the remarkable and historically rich Budapest, hosted by our Hungarian member organizations the Barankovics István Alapítvány (The Stephen Barankovics Foundation) and Keresztény Értelmiségiek Szövetsége (Federation of Christian Intellectuals).

Making the Case for Freedom

Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Human Rights and Free Speech in Europe today. Together with the SHEMA Institute, the ECR Group and the EJA (European Jewish Association Group) Sallux welcomes you to participate at our mutual event on Human Rights & Free Speech in Europe.

After Capitalism: economy, values and stable society; Ukraine meets Europe

Friday, September 20, 2019
Presentation of book "After Capitalism" by Paul Mills and Michael Schluter in Ukrainian.

Europe and Populism: A Constructive Christian Perspective

Thursday, November 14, 2019
This conference wil give more insight to the phenomenon called Populism

Breakfast meeting, SMEs and Family Welfare: a challenge for the future of Europe

Tuesday, January 21, 2020
“Short-terminism is destroying values in our economy and is undermining efforts to implement sustainable development policies”. That will be the starting point for reflection on “SMEs and Family Welfare: a challenge for the future of Europe”.

Webinar ‘Business and Financial Markets Post-Corona’

Wednesday, May 20, 2020
‘Back to normal’ but what if normal pre-Corona was actually abnormal? What should be the new norm for our economy and economic policies when we try to restart the economy? To evaluate where we are and to find a new road and new goals we are pleased to announce our webinar ‘Business and Financial Markets Post-Corona’.

Webinar "The EU Corona Budget, an emotional moment for the EU"

Thursday, July 16, 2020
There is a lot at stake when it comes to the EU Corona Budget. The Commission proposed a 750 billion euro emergency package which created a lot of debate and controversy. Sallux wants to provide both insight in the reactions in the member-states and in the content of the proposal.

Thinking beyond Moria

Friday, April 9, 2021
Friday, April 9, 2021: Towards long term strategies for migration. An online symposium in partnership with the European Economic Summit and the Scientific Institute of the Christian Union.

Online evenement: Rondom Afghanistan

Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Chaos en ellende in Afghanistan. Hoe heeft dit kunnen gebeuren en hebben we dit kunnen voorkomen? Was de twintigjarige Nederlandse missie in Afghanistan zinvol? Hoe moet het nu verder met Afghanistan? Deze en nog veel meer vragen en gespreksonderwerpen komen aan bod tijdens het online evenement: Rondom Afghanistan. This is a Dutch speaking event, without translation!

Iraq: update on a fragile and unstable nation

Tuesday, June 21, 2022
You are most welcome to join us at 21 June at 14:00CET  in room 1H1 for this update on the situation in Iraq

Israël on Trial International Conference

Wednesday, March 29, 2023
The current crisis of international law, peace and security in the Middle East

European Africa Agenda Symposium 2025 – 2100

Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Symposium in Amsterdam, on the 5th of April, 2023.

Webinar: Europäische Wirtschaft, Außenpolitik und Migration

Thursday, November 2, 2023
Die Sallux ECPM Foundation bietet jedem, der mehr über die europäische Wirtschafts- und Außenpolitik und ihre Auswirkungen auf Migration und Fluchtursachen wissen oder darüber diskutieren möchte, die Möglichkeit dazu. Am 2 November 2023 jeweils um 19:30 Uhr finden Online-Seminare statt, in denen Johannes de Jong die Präsentation näher erläutern und Fragen beantworten wird.

NL Webinar: ‘Het Grotere Plaatje; Israël als deel van het Midden-Oosten’

Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Terwijl veel ogen gericht zijn op de oorlog tussen Israel en Hamas en het menselijk leed onder Israeli’s en Palestijnen, is er ook een groeiend besef dat dit verbonden is aan wat er gebeurd is en gebeurd in het Midden-Oosten als geheel. De vraag naar het grotere plaatje en de verbanden met de regio neemt toe. Veel christenen zoeken naar meer helderheid hierover.

Mission: Kingdom of God (Uppdrag: Guds rike)

Friday, November 10, 2023
The conference ”Mission: Kingdom of God” (Uppdrag: Guds rike) is a Swedish version of the European Leadership Forum, but with European contributors only. This event is mainly in Swedish language.


Wednesday, November 29, 2023
You are warmly invited to join in the online event ‘VIGILATE EUROPA’ on the future of Christian democracy and traditionalism in Europe, organised by the “Centre for Christian Democracy and Traditional Values“ in Lithuania and Sallux The event will take place on November 29, 10:30-15:00 Vilnius time (CET+2) on-line and at the Seimas (Parliament) of the Republic of Lithuania. The online meeting will have simultaneous interpretation into English, French and Lithuanian.

Webinar with Paul Mills: Cashing Out? Biblical Thoughts on the Future of Money

Monday, January 29, 2024
The Jubilee Centre, in partnership with Cambridge Papers and Sallux, is planning to host a webinar with Paul Mills on the topic of ‘Biblical Thoughts on the Future of Money’ on Monday January 29th 2024 at 7:30pm, UK time. (20:30 CET)

The Anatomy of Forgiveness

Wednesday, March 27, 2024
In this session Rvd Dr Ian Stackhouse will reflect, both on a pastoral as well as a political level, on the complexities around the matter of forgiveness. The webinar is based on our latest featured blog titled: Israel and Gaza.

NL Webinar: Een christelijke blik op asielmigratie

Thursday, April 4, 2024
Asielmigratie blijft een grote splijtzwam in Nederland en dat geldt ook voor christenen. Waar de een hamert op draagvlak, benadrukt de ander barmhartigheid. Onze benadering is gebaseerd op cijfers en feiten, die dus niet meteen als ‘links’ of ‘rechts’ in te delen is. We willen deze benadering presenteren in een webinar op 4 april aanstaande.

Towards a Better Approach to Asylum

Monday, May 13, 2024
Explore the gospel's impact on human dignity and migration in this transformative webinar. Inspired by Colossians 3:11, delve into theological foundations, ethical considerations, and policy implications with expert speakers.

Why and how should Christians prioritise seeing the world through a relational lens?

Monday, July 15, 2024
Dr. Michael Schluter will speak on the topic of ‘Why and how should Christians prioritise seeing the world through a relational lens?’ Without being aware of it, everyone views the world differently based on their perspective.

Hate Speech Laws in the European Context

Monday, September 23, 2024
Recent instances of free speech censorship highlight growing concerns. Across Europe, various governments have implemented laws that, while aiming to curb hate speech, also risk stifling legitimate expression. During this webinar we discuss this topic with Matthew Ferguson.