For a relational society Christian politics should not be based on a romantic picture of the past. Our task, therefore, ahead is to inspire a new generation through connecting our inspiration to their issues. Instead of trying to search for feelings of security in the past, we need to work for a secure future, based on human dignity. For this, the work of formulating Christian politics is relevant. Sallux is inspired by various traditions of thought, such as the Catholic Social Teaching, the Reformational philosophy, the social teaching based on Orthodox Christianity and the Evangelical approach as described in the Lausanne covenant. As Sallux, we see relational thinking as a bridge between these various strands of Christian engagement with society and politics. At the same time, we believe our relational vision can bridge Christian-democracy and the 21st century. Life is relational: society needs to be understood from this perspective. Each of the great themes of biblical social teaching can be shown to directly or indirectly impact on whether and how citizens relate to each other. Key elements include strong and stable families, decentralized government and an absence of material and relational poverty. People, as relational beings, need this environment before they need a career, possessions or wealth. For prosperity is a consequence, rather than a precondition, of relational wellbeing the focus of society and economy should not be on producing wealth and afterwards dealing with the symptoms of poverty. However, the focus should be to achieve an institutional framework, which prevents relational poverty and contributes to good relationships.

Visit Sallux at our booth E34 during the KCF25 exhibition from 6 to 8 March 2025 in Karlsruhe

The Kurdish Situation as example of how our foreign policy creates immigration
The situation of the Kurds is a very clear example of how our foreign policy supports and appeases extremist and totalitarian regimes and how that leads to people becoming refugees in Europe.

Women, Men and Human Dignity
The re-election of former President Trump has put a spotlight on one new global phenomenon that is also present in Europe. A global socio-political gap is emerging between young men and women who are part of Gen Z.

Demographics: and the need for an economy that supports families
Demographics in Europe is changing rapidly. Either we change our economy or we will soon face massive problems in essential services such as healthcare, police and so on. We therefore need a fundamental change in what we really value in our society and we need an economy that supports families.

Human dignity is truly the only foundation for a common future!
Across Europe we see a continuation of polarization. Deep social and cultural rifts translate in very personal clashes of all kinds of (geo)political issues.

“Spoken Word ‘Human Together’: A Relational Economy.”
Political think tank Sallux presents ‘Human Together’, a vision on how a healthy economy could look like.

Looking back and looking forward in promoting human dignity
From the director: Summary of Sallux work in 2022 and Christmas greetings

Christian Politics
There is both in Europe and the US a crisis when it comes to the role of Christian faith and Christians inspired by their faith in politics. This is beyond the discussion on whether there should or should not be explicit ‘Christian parties’.

From the Director
An article by Sallux Director, Johannes de Jong, on the importance of staying informed in the current plethora of the corona crisis and geopolitical upheaval.

Kompassi and Sallux ongoing project on science and politics: a contribution to the debate
In the framework of the ongoing joint project of Kompassi and Sallux on politics and science, Tapio Luoma-aho, manager of Kompassi, wrote an excellent and timely contribution to this debate which we are happy to publish here. We thank him for this article that has been published as well at the website of Kompassi.

Relational Thinking and a Biblical Vision for Society

A Relational Vision for Europe

A Relational Agenda

Nehemia People

Catholic Social Teaching and Relational Thinking

Webinars on Christian Politics
Two complementary sessions at 15 and 22 April 15:00 – 16:15 Central European Time (Amsterdam/Berlin)

Mission: Kingdom of God (Uppdrag: Guds rike)
The conference ”Mission: Kingdom of God” (Uppdrag: Guds rike) is a Swedish version of the European Leadership Forum, but with European contributors only. This event is mainly in Swedish language.

The Anatomy of Forgiveness
In this session Rvd Dr Ian Stackhouse will reflect, both on a pastoral as well as a political level, on the complexities around the matter of forgiveness. The webinar is based on our latest featured blog titled: Israel and Gaza.

NL Webinar: Een christelijke blik op asielmigratie
Asielmigratie blijft een grote splijtzwam in Nederland en dat geldt ook voor christenen. Waar de een hamert op draagvlak, benadrukt de ander barmhartigheid. Onze benadering is gebaseerd op cijfers en feiten, die dus niet meteen als ‘links’ of ‘rechts’ in te delen is. We willen deze benadering presenteren in een webinar op 4 april aanstaande.

Towards a Better Approach to Asylum
Explore the gospel's impact on human dignity and migration in this transformative webinar. Inspired by Colossians 3:11, delve into theological foundations, ethical considerations, and policy implications with expert speakers.

Why and how should Christians prioritise seeing the world through a relational lens?
Dr. Michael Schluter will speak on the topic of ‘Why and how should Christians prioritise seeing the world through a relational lens?’ Without being aware of it, everyone views the world differently based on their perspective.

A family-centred Europe as the solution to the demographic challenge
This webinar will examine some of the complex factors including cultural shifts, economic pressures, and social changes. Together, we’ll explore topics such as changing family dynamics, urbanization, housing affordability, and the evolving roles of education and work.

Event Report: The Advanced School of Politics – XV edition
The Advanced School of Politics has been scheduled three months lasting joint event (Feb-April 2021) together with our member organization Fondazione Magna Carta. The initiative has the aim to give students the chance to study and debate many topics such as Politics, Institutions, International Relations...

Event Report: The Wilberforce Academy, Sweden, spring 2020
This spring, the Wilberforce Academy was re-launched, a course program for young professionals who wish to mature in their Christian faith and as active believers in society. Previously, the program was arranged by the Swedish Evangelical Alliance, but this year, the program was a joint project with the Clapham Institute, Apologia and Sallux.

Event Report: School for Young Leaders, Skopje
A successful joint event of Sallux and our member organization Integra Foundation took place in the context of the (then) ongoing EU discussion whether the EU would open accession talks with North Macedonia.

Event Report: The Advanced School of Politics XVI Edition
The initiative has the aim to give students the chance to study and debate many topics about Politics, Institutions, International Relations, Science, Anthropology and Ethical Issues.

Event Report: The conference ”Mission: Kingdom of God” (Uppdrag: Guds rike)
The conference ”Mission: Kingdom of God” is a Swedish version of the ELF, but with European contributors only. It took place on the 22nd & 23rd of November in Stockholm.

Event Report: Clapham Institute, Almedalen week in Visby July 2019
The Almedalen week is Sweden’s largest gathering of politicians and opinion-makers. This year the Clapham Institute held two seminars. One of them on the relations between Sweden/Europe and Israel in cooperation with Sallux.

Salt & Light Event: Familiy as the Cornerstone for Country and Society
On the 13th of June 2019, our 8th General Members’ Assembly was held in the gorgeous city of Budapest followed by the annual Salt & Light event on the 14th of June in the Hungarian Parliament.

Event Report: Sallux at the "Christliche Führungskräfte Kongress 2019" (KCF) in Karlsruhe, Germany
The event achieves to make leaders think about current issues and discover answers and solutions from a biblical perspective. The setting of an International Lounge functions as a connection point of leaders from various countries and offers the opportunity to present initiatives, campaigns and projects.

Event report: ‘Actions speak louder than Words’ Conference 2018
A conference was held in Malta to address many of Malta’s and Europe’s current Christian and political problems. The aim of this conference was to address current issues like Economy & trade, Migration & Refugee crisis, Freedom of expression and -religion, fraud & corruption prevention and the security of the Maltese islands and the European Union. All these issues we face are connected to the overall removal of Christian principles from government and economy.

Event Report: Conference on Christian Politics in Eastern and Western Europe
Sallux Foundation and CDI Georgia organized a two-day conference on Christian Politics in Eastern and Western Europe aimed at building awareness in the CDPP and YCD local and regional leaders of the basic Christian Democratic values, state of Christian politics in Georgia as well as in Eastern and Western Europe.

Event report: Relational Thinking, Kompassi
On the 21st of April the seminar on relational economics took place in cooperation with Kompassi followed by a second seminar on the 18th of September of the current year. The seminar was mainly focusing on cooperative kinds of entrepreneurship.

Event report: Clapham Institute, Almedalen week in Visby, July 2018
The Almedalen week is Sweden’s largest gathering of politicians and opinion-makers. This year the Clapham Institute held two seminars where the institute also presented a new report on religion in the Swedish school system.

Event Report: 7th Annual Salt & Light Event
On the 9th of June 2018, our 7th General Members’ Assembly was held in the gorgeous city of Timişoara, Romania. It was a productive GMA with a full programme where other key regional NGO’s were welcomed as well.

Event report: Sallux @ MEHRForum during MEHR 2018 Conference in Augsburg, Germany
From January 4 to 7, 2018 Sallux was present at the MEHRforum in Augsburg at one of the most important conferences for young Christians in Germany.

Event report: Christian Foreign Affairs Academy
Sallux in cooperation with the Christian Democratic Forum (KDF), KÉSZ and the Barankovics Foundation organized a study weekend with the conference of the Carpathian Diplomacy - Christian Foreign Academy. Over 40 young people participated in the event.

Event Report: Reformed Capitalism in the St. Joriskerk, Amersfoort
We where welcomed in the beautiful historic St. Joris (Saint George) Church in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Speakers from Jubilee Centre (Cambridge, UK) Scientific Institutes of the ChristenUnie and SGP parties and a MP from the ChristenUnie elaborated on what it means to "reform" our Capitalist system and society.

Event report: Christendom mainstreaming - Revaluating and reconfirming the role of Christianity in European policy
Sallux | ECPM Foundation and the 'Right of the Republic Party' in Poland are pleased to look back at a successful and well-attended conference on Christendom mainstreaming - Revaluating and reconfirming the role of Christianity in European policy, which was held in the Polish Parliament Building (Sejm).

Event Report: International Lounge with impact
From 23 to 25 February Sallux and the World Evangelical Alliance hosted the International Lounge at the bi-annual Congress for Christian Leaders (Kongress Christliche Fuhrungskrafte 2017), this time in Nuremberg.

Event Report: European Leadership Forum 2016
The CPFE partnered in the politics track of the European Leadership Forum from 22 – 24 May in Wisla, Poland. The main focus was political engagement of Christians in Europe and the situation of the refugees and the situation in Syria and Iraq. The participants included civil society and church leaders who aim for an informed increased involvement in society.
Event Report: Conference “Conscious Elections. Empowering local communities in Ukraine”
On October 12th – 15th, 2015 a conference “Conscious Elections. Empowering local communities in Ukraine by the the CPFE and the Ukrainian Students’ Association has been held in Ternopil, Ukraine.

Event Report: European Leadership Forum
During the European Leadership Forum the CPFE provided the political track in the largest Evangelical leadership gathering in Europe.

Event Report: Freedom through Debt Relief
At 13 May the CPFE presented its latest publication ‘Personal Freedom through Debt Relief’ in the Brussels Press Club. This publication reports on household indebtedness in Europe and how faith-based volunteer projects make a difference in getting people out of problematic indebtedness.

Event Report: International Lounge at Congress of Christian Leaders
The CPFE in co-operation with the World Evangelical Alliance, hosted the International Lounge of the “Congress of Christian Leaders” (Kongress Christliche Führungskräfte (KCF)) that took place between 26 and 28 February 2015 in Hamburg, Germany. The Congress was attended by 3000 participants.