Publications » Confederal Europe
Confederal Europe

Category: Sallux Publications
ISBN: 978-94-92697-00-4
Subtitle: A Relational Economic Plan | Strong nations, strong union. By David John Lee, Dr. Paul Mills, Dr. Michael Schluter

Europe stands at a turning point. The long trek towards political unification has been championed by the large numbers of, usually, wealthier Europeans who have gained most by globalism and the Single Market.

David John Lee
David John Lee read geography at Oxford University before going to Canada to study theology and taking up a career in writing. He has authored or co-authored several books, including The R Factor (1993) and The Relational Manager (2009), and written position papers on Relational Thinking and Relational Risk. He is also co-originator of the Relational Proximity® Framework. Resident for many years in France, he currently holds the position of Content and Conceptual Director for a major international leadership training group.

Dr. Paul Mills
Paul Mills was awarded a PhD in economics from Cambridge University in the UK in 1995. He subsequently worked for the UK Treasury in a number of positions including head of research at the Debt Management office and team leader for Debt and Reserves Management and Financial Stability and Regulatory Policy. He then worked in the IMF from 2006 to 2009 as senior economist (Monetary and Capital Markets), before joining the London office of the IMF as senior economist, located in the Bank of England, for the period 2009 16. His job included managing a small team of financial market analysts, and liaison with the Bank of England. He also drafted and edited IMF daily financial markets reports to senior management and member country authorities, and briefed senior management on market movements. Paul has had a long-term interest in working with Michael Schluter on the relational economy, and relational finance from within a Christian worldview. This follows from his PhD research in financial economics which focused on financial fragility, debt deflation and Islamic banking. He has written many of the Jubilee Centre s Cambridge Papers, his most recent being Prodigal Stewards: the looming government debt crisis and what to do about it which was published in December 2014. After Capitalism: Rethinking Economic Relationships , spelling out both the ethical weaknesses of contemporary capitalism and exploring an alternative framework for economic life based on Relational Thinking , was published in 2012.

Dr. Michael Schluter
Dr. Michael Schluter (MBA) trained as an economist in the US and then as a consultant with the World Bank in East-Africa. Since 1982, he has launched a number of not-for-profit organisations including the Jubilee Centre, a Christian think tank which seeks to apply biblical thinking to public policy. In 1994, Michael launched the Relationships Foundation, from which have grown the Relational Thinking Network, Relational Analytics, Relational Research and more recently Relational Peacebuilding Initiatives. Co-author of The R Factor (1993), Jubilee Manifesto (2005), The Relational Manager (2009), The Relational Lens (2017) and Confederal Europe (2017) he has also contributed to a number of other books looking at social issues from a relational perspective. He is an experienced speaker who has addressed audiences all over the world, and was awarded a CBE in the Queens New Year honours in 2009.