Category: Free Downloads
Subtitle: Christian foundation of the EU. By Dr. Radu Motoca
From a Christian perspective, the concept of human dignity serves as the foundation for the application of relational thinking in all aspects of life and society. Therefore, we are pleased to present our latest publication on the Christian interpretation of human dignity. We warmly recommend this publication.
''Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected.'', states Article 1 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The current EU is unimaginable without that basis. That human dignity became seen as the foundation of our legal order and the defining ethos of western culture cannot be seen separately from the Christian faith that has shaped Europe. How do we define human dignity? What do we mean if we speak about human dignity? Was there a pre-Christian notion of human dignity and what did that entail? These questions are guiding this publication, written by Dr. Radu Motoca. His tireless efforts over several years has resulted in a unique and much-needed publication that aims to answer ever more urgent questions regarding human dignity. About the author Dr. Radu Motoca Radu Motoca, A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). He was born in Romania, and wrote his thesis in philosophy at Pontificia Università Gregoriana (Pontifical Gregorian University) in Rome. In his work he has an original phenomenological approach to the Philosophy of Life based in contemporary phenomenology. His actual academic research is focused on the phenomenology of life and anthropology.