Category: Sallux Publications
ISBN: 978-94-92697-14-1
Subtitle: Edited by Dr. Grégor Puppinck
This book is a study on abortion through different, sometimes new aspects, and aims at giving the conceptual and legal bases to a policy of prevention of abortion. It is not a book of appeal which would oppose, once more, a right to abortion of the mother to a right to life of the child. Freedom and dignity are often but words, if not slogans, wrapping up and hiding human realities without fully understanding them.
This book wants be realistic and aims at giving the basis of legal developments on an in-depth factual study of causes and consequences of abortion, written in the light of numerous recent scientific researches. These causes and consequences incite to consider abortion not as an abstract freedom but much more as a social and public health problem, requiring a prevention policy. Such a policy was in fact what Simone Veil wanted when she refused any right to abortion and wanted only to tolerate it as the last solution, then a lesser evil. It is also and still how international and European laws consider it, both of them off ering a strong legal support to a prevention policy, and even to a right not to abort. Against Mrs. Veils declared intention, abortion slowly became not only tolerated but a freedom. This change of perspective had deep implications for the whole society and disrupted the legal order further than on the question of birth regulation and the question of the situation of women, this change also affects other rights and principles, such as the prohibition of sexual and genetic discriminations, the rights to life, to freedom of conscience, and also to freedom of speech and manifestation. All these aspects are chapters of this book.
Petra Cador graduated from the Free University of Berlin and defended a doctoral thesis in sociology on Domestic violence. In 2005 she published a book entitled The Legal Treatment of Domestic Violence: the punishment defeated, published by the Harmattan editions. She is currently a trainer in social work
Christophe Foltzenlogel is a legal expert at the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) since 2012.
Claire de La Hougue has a PhD in law. After having worked for the International Institute for Human Rights René Cassin, she became a barrister in Strasbourg. She is a research fellow of the ECLJ since 2010.
Jean-Marie Le Méné is a French magistrate. He is teacher-advisor at the European Court of Auditors since 2008 and President of the Jérôme-Lejeune Foundation since 1996. Since 2009, he is member of the Pontifical Academy for life and is his term of office was renewed in April 2017.
Cherline Louissaint is a graduate of the Haute École des Avocats-Conseils in Versailles and received her Professional Lawyer’s Certificate. She is the head of the legal service of the association Agapé France. She worked in 2015 for the ECLJ during a study period.
Grégor Puppinck has a PhD in law. He is the director of the European Centre for Law and Justice, and an expert before the Council of Europe. Assuntina Moressi is an associate professor of physical chemistry at the Faculty of Science at the University. Since 2006, she is a member of the National Bioethics Committee. From July 2008 to January 2010 she was a scientific advisor to Minister Maurizio Sacconi on ethically sensitive issues. She was also a consultant to the AIFA (Italian Agency for Medicines) and expert with the National Council on the application of legislation European Commission on Cells and Tissues in Medically Assisted Procreation.
Caroline Roux is deputy general delegate of the association Alliance Vita founded in France in 1993 at the time of the first laws of bioethics. The action of this association is centered on two axes; help people facing the ordeals of life and raise awareness among the public and decision-makers about the protection of human life. Mrs. Roux is also coordinator of the telephone hotline services and spokesperson of the collective No-Maternity Traffic.
Jean-Pierre Schouppe has a PhD in civil law and one in canon law. He is a Professor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. The title of his PhD thesis in civil law was “La liberté de religion institutionnelle dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme” (The institutional freedom of religion in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights) for which he received the René Cassin Price in 2014.
Olaf Szczypinski is a lawyer, graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw and coordinator in the Center of Legislative Analysis of the Institute Ordo Juris for Legal Culture. He also wrote opinions for the Ministry of Family, the Ministry of Health, the Polish Senate and NGOs. He co-authored a report entitled "What Family Policy does Poland need?"
Karina Walinowicz is a lawyer, graduate from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, of the American University Law Center in Florida F.G., and from the Levin College of Law and of the European Advocacy Academy in Brussels. She is an analyst at the Ordo Juris Institute for Legal Culture and coordinator at the Center for Religious Freedom and Freedom of Conscience in Poland.