Category: Sallux Publications
ISBN: 978-94-92697-19-6
Subtitle: Reflections on families as the cornerstone of society. By FAFCE
For a long time, people held this truth to be self-evident. However, in recent decades, the institution of the family has been too often neglected, caricatured, and criticized to the point that it is now commonly perceived as a mere constraint to individual self-fullment or as an uncomfortable inheritance from our communitarian and paternalistic past.
As a result, individual attitudes towards forming and or being part of a family have shifted dramatically and the implications are seen everywhere: fewer marriages, decreasing birth-rates and increasing loneliness. The fact families are the cornerstone of society seems no longer to be self-evident. This is why we felt the need and urgency to reafirm the overwhelming empirical evidence in support of the key role of strong families in building flourishing societies. This publication has been edited by Nicola Speranza.