Family is the most important social entity in the world, above the state and any other community or group. Life starts in the family and relationships start in the family. The natural family is a micro‑society in which basic skills and experiences are conveyed. Healthy families lead to a healthy society, while fragmented families do the opposite. The European Union and its member states need to respect the sovereignty of the family, based on marriage between one man and one woman, and recognise its inherent inalienable rights. The family is not a mere collection of individuals, and therefore legislation based solely on the individual will eventually collide with the rights of the family. People, as relational beings, need this environment before they need a career, possessions or wealth. At the same time, it is clear that the family needs a sound economy to be able to support family life. Families are the starting point for forming human potential. Some cornerstones for family policies are:
Investing in children is investing in the future, as they will grow up to become the most important resource. Parents who invest in their children therefore invest in society as a whole. Without a doubt, how family and marriage are viewed is one of the most important and influential political issues. Many religious, cultural, historical and economic aspects are involved in creating such a view. We believe that any policy on family should therefore be the responsibility of the member states and that the EU should respect subsidiarity, particularly regarding this subject. The family is a caring unit. However, the European Commission should check how its policies will influence family life before proceeding with a proposal