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Subtitle: (Religious) Extremism and Its Impact on Migration from Northern Africa to Europe, by Juho Kareinen BA
This research is about root causes of immigration from Northern Africa, especially focusing on ideological and religious extremism.
This research explores whether extremism in northern and western Africa has direct impact on migration to Europe. The other angle of this research is to look ‘a notch deeper’ into the common motives given by migrants for their departure, such as economic issues, political instability and lack of opportunities, and to explore (1) whether extremism either causes or fuels these common motives (e.g., economic issues etc.), (2) how and why extremists exploit these regions ravaged by economic distress and instability, and (3) some concrete means extremism could be countered with. About the author Juho Kareinen BA
Juho Kareinen (1997) is a native Finn who has a bachelor’s degree in religious studies (2023, University of Groningen) and is currently a master student of Religion, Conflict and Globalization at the University of Groningen. He has a deep interest in the surprisingly profound intertwinement of religion with world affairs and people’s everyday lives. His professional ambition is to be in the forefront of recognizing the importance of religious motives and values behind conflicts and taking these aspects into account in peacebuilding initiatives.