Monday, February 10, 2020
“The family is not here for the economy, but the economy is here for the family! We need a re-assortment of the purpose of economy. Caring love is what we need, otherwise there are detrimental consequences for our societies”. – has been quoted by Johannes de Jong, Sallux Director, on the 21st of January at the breakfast meeting “ SME’s and Family Welfare: A Challenge for Europe” which took place in cooperation with the Federation of the Catholic Family Member Organization (FAFCE).
Amongst key speakers at the event were MEPs H. Geuking (ECPM member), Karlo Ressler, Clotilde Armand, Patrizia Toia, Prof. Dembinski (Switzerland), Anna Nagy (Hungary) and Deša Srsen, Member of the Cabinet of VP, Dubravka Suica.
Click for more detailed highlights of the event
Visit FAFCE's facebook page