The latest news from Sallux

Upcoming Sallux events with member organisations in 2025

Friday, February 21, 2025
In 2025 Sallux | ECPM Foundation is pleased to announce to you a number of upcoming events, which will be organised in cooperation with a variety of our Christian research member organisations.

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Visit Sallux at our booth E34 during the KCF25 exhibition from 6 to 8 March 2025 in Karlsruhe

Thursday, February 13, 2025
Sallux | ECPM Foundation would like to inform you that we are visiting the KCF 25 exhibition in Karlsruhe.

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Towards a True Humanism: Some Small Theological Steps

Wednesday, February 12, 2025
We are living in conflicted and troubled times. I am assuming that I don’t need to spell this out. We are all aware of the anxieties we carry about the health of planet earth and the health and wellbeing of earth’s occupants – the human community with its deep ideological, religious and political divisions.

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The Kurdish Situation as example of how our foreign policy creates immigration

Monday, December 30, 2024
The situation of the Kurds is a clear example of how our foreign policy supports and appeases extremist and totalitarian regimes and how that leads to people becoming refugees in Europe.

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In Memoriam Antero Laukkanen

Tuesday, December 17, 2024
We received the sad news that at 13 December our former board member Antero Laukkanen passed away at the age of 66 due to ALS.

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Women, Men and Human Dignity

Thursday, November 28, 2024
The re-election of former President Trump has put a spotlight on one new global phenomenon that is also present in Europe. A global socio-political gap is emerging between young men and women who are part of Gen Z.

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Can we have a rational conversation about immigration?

Friday, September 6, 2024
Much of Europe’s left, centrist and centre-right voices expressed various degrees of shock and unease over the results of the extreme-right AfD in Saxony and Thuringia last Sunday 1 September. These results cannot be simply be put in the same ‘box’ as other election results in which populist parties have made gains or even gained power.

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Demographics: and the need for an economy that supports families

Friday, July 5, 2024
Demographics in Europe is changing rapidly. Either we change our economy or we will soon face massive problems in essential services such as healthcare, police and so on. We therefore need a fundamental change in what we really value in our society and we need an economy that supports families.

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A Strong EU thanks to Strong Values and Strong Member States

Monday, May 6, 2024
During the Maastricht debate between the Spitzenkandidaten of the European political parties, Maylis Roßberg of the European Free Alliance stated that “The European Union has become hostage to its member states. But for me there’s a simple solution for that: Strengthen the European Parliament.”

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Human dignity is truly the only foundation for a common future!

Monday, March 25, 2024
Across Europe we see a continuation of polarization. Deep social and cultural rifts translate in very personal clashes of all kinds of (geo)political issues.

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Towards an effective strategy for freedom of religion

Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Every year, Open Doors is publishing its well-known World Watch List annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution. This year two points drew specific attention in the Dutch Christian media.

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Newest publication: If you want peace, prepare for war!

Monday, November 6, 2023
We are proud to announce we have finalized the translation of the original French book ''Si tu veux la paix, prépare la guerre!'' by French Army Colonel/scholar François-Régis Legrier.

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Ending support for extremism through foreign policy

Wednesday, November 1, 2023
We have ended up in the depressing situation that we are now as Europe surrounded by wars and military conflict. It is obvious that the attack by Hamas against Israel was horrific and outright evil and that it is clear that Israel cannot exist if Hamas also exists. As more than enough has been said over this conflict, it is more useful to focus on an angle that has wide-ranging implications for the foreign policy of the EU and EU Member States. The question is ‘who supports Hamas’?

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Persecuted Christians, Identity and Foreign Policy

Friday, September 15, 2023
Recently there has been an outcry among many Christians in Europe over the attacks against Christians in Pakistan that followed after even stricter blasphemy laws have been introduced in that country. As usual MP’s and MEP’s here in Europe who are standing up for freedom of religion and belief (most of them Christians) filed questions over this situation in Pakistan.

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Towards a Foreign Policy that Offers Solutions

Tuesday, June 13, 2023
One of the core ideas that Sallux has presented and represented is the notion that we as EU and EU Member States need to cooperate with those outside Europe who try to implement fundamental freedoms. Based on our experience with North-East Syria we know that this is feasible in practice

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Back to the roots?

Monday, February 6, 2023
The dominance of shareholders in the economy creates a situation that leads to extraction as primary mechanism in our economy in order to create continuous increasing dividends. Clearly, this is not only putting ever more pressure on workers but also on SME’s and natural resources. It should be obvious that this is an unsustainable situation. How is this connected to the migration and asylum crisis?

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“Spoken Word ‘Human Together’: A Relational Economy.”

Friday, February 3, 2023
Political think tank Sallux presents ‘Human Together’, a vision on how a healthy economy could look like.

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Looking back and looking forward in promoting human dignity

Monday, December 12, 2022
From the director: Summary of Sallux work in 2022 and Christmas greetings

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System crisis requires systematic change

Thursday, July 7, 2022
Recently a number of Renew MEP’s (including those of the Dutch left-liberal D66 party) tried to exclude the pro-life lobby from the European Parliament. At the same time the communication by the D66 party over the intended nitrogen policy and the subsequent farmers protests in The Netherlands came across as aloof and uncaring.

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Event Report: Salt & Light Event: ‘A Christian perspective on geopolitics’

Wednesday, June 15, 2022
At the 11th Salt & Light event of Sallux speakers shed light on ongoing several regional geopolitical issues. The aim of the discussed topics was to help shape an understanding of the interrelation of these issues and how to approach them from a Christian perspective.

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Event Report: Conversations that build a Common Future

Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Between 12 and 15 May in the beautiful surroundings of Esztergom and the Danube river we had a great time and really deep conversations over what divides and unites us in Europe.

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Easter Message

Friday, April 15, 2022
This Easter we will celebrate that Christ is risen and that there is hope amidst the terrible things that are happening right now. The challenge is whether we truly understand Easter and whether God’s love for all people will also shape how we as Europe approach the world beyond our continent.

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Statement on the crisis in Ukraine

Thursday, February 24, 2022
Sallux strongly condemns Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine today. Ukraine is an independent, sovereign, autonomous country and by invading it, Putin broke international law, former agreements and pacts. It is an attack on European security and stability and utterly reprehensible. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine will only bring misery and pain to the people in Ukraine and Russia.

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In Defense of Freedom

Friday, February 18, 2022
A comment on the situation of Ukraine: At 21 January last the Russian, Iranian and Chinese naval forces conducted joint drills in the Indian Ocean. The broad agreement among foreign affairs observers agreed that this was one more sign of the growing cooperation between these three powers.

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Christmas Message

Wednesday, December 22, 2021
This Christmas seems to come in a very depressing time. As I am writing this, The Netherlands is back in lockdown and many European countries are mulling additional measures to restrict social contact.

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Climate Change and System Change

Thursday, October 7, 2021
As I am writing this, Oman is being hit by a cyclone. Sadly, several people have died due to this disaster that is actually very rare in that part of the world. It is a worrying part of a pattern in the climate change that we are witnessing.

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Bookstore problems have been solved!

Friday, July 23, 2021
After some trouble with our Printing On Demand (POD) facility (due to bankrupty of the company involved) we are now back in business. We have renewed our bookstore system and can now once again provide you with all of our interesting publications! You can order them on our website by using our discount code SalDisc21

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Event Report Conference: Beyond Association Agreement and DCFTA - Prospects and Challenges

Thursday, July 15, 2021
This one-day conference was designed to inform and update all the participants who had keen interest in the EU-Georgia relations, on Georgia’s foreign policy line.

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Event Report: The Advanced School of Politics – XV edition

Tuesday, July 13, 2021
The Advanced School of Politics has been scheduled three months lasting joint event (Feb-April 2021) together with our member organization Fondazione Magna Carta. The initiative has the aim to give students the chance to study and debate many topics such as Politics, Institutions, International Relations...

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The role of the global mining industry now and in the future

Tuesday, July 13, 2021
The report was generated for Kompassi, a member organization of Sallux, in a Project course of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Environmental Engineering Diploma Program. The valuable input of students and teachers is hereby acknowledged.

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A roadmap for Finland to circular plastic economy

Tuesday, July 13, 2021
This report was generated for Kompassi, a member organization of Sallux, in a Project course of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Environmental Engineering Diploma Program. The valuable input of students and teachers is hereby acknowledged.

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Life and Ethics

Thursday, July 1, 2021
This is the fourth and final reflection on the ‘four streams’ of Sallux about the stream 'Life & Ethics'.

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Future of the European Union

Friday, May 7, 2021
As Sallux we see the first and foremost purpose of the EU in its values. Upholding human dignity and fundamental freedoms in and outside the EU as well as fostering peace in and outside Europe are the fundamental building bricks of the EU now and of its future.

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Economy & Geopolitics

Wednesday, March 31, 2021
This is the second reflection based on the four streams of Sallux. This reflection focuses on 'Economy and Geopolitics'

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Christian Politics

Friday, February 12, 2021
There is both in Europe and the US a crisis when it comes to the role of Christian faith and Christians inspired by their faith in politics. This is beyond the discussion on whether there should or should not be explicit ‘Christian parties’.

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Sallux presents "Four Streams"

Thursday, February 11, 2021
In today’s world it is not only important to have good events and projects, but also to be able to connect developments and to give context and more depth to ongoing projects. For this reason Sallux is introducing the ‘Four Streams’ under which all existing and new articles, events and projects will be categorized.

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Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Thursday, December 24, 2020
That is our heartfelt wish for all of our members, partners and readers of our newsletter as we look back to a very difficult year of 2020.

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From the Director

Thursday, October 1, 2020
An article by Sallux Director, Johannes de Jong, on the importance of staying informed in the current plethora of the corona crisis and geopolitical upheaval.

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Event Report: Webinar "The EU Corona Budget, an emotional moment for the EU"

Tuesday, July 21, 2020
There is a lot at stake when it comes to the EU Corona Budget. The Commission proposed a 750 billion euro emergency package which created a lot of debate and controversy. Sallux wants to provide both insight in the reactions in the member-states and in the content of the proposal.

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Event Report: Seminar on Christian Politics in Eastern and Western Europe

Monday, July 20, 2020
On the 16th – 17th July, 2020, the Sallux Foundation and CDI Georgia organized a 2-day seminar on Christian Politics aimed at building awareness in the CDPP and YCD young members of the basic Christian Democratic values.

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A conversation between citizens and cultures in the EU over the EU Budget.

Monday, July 13, 2020
As we are approaching the real debate on the EU Budget and as we see the emotions flaring up around this issue due to the coronacrisis we try to do something that resembles a conversation between citizens and cultures in the EU over the EU Budget.

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Event Report: Webinar ‘Business and Financial Markets Post-Corona’

Tuesday, July 7, 2020
‘Back to normal’ but what if normal pre-Corona was actually abnormal? What should be the new norm for our economy and economic policies when we try to restart the economy? At our webinar ‘Business and Financial Markets Post-Corona’ we have been evaluating where we are and how to find a new road and new goals.

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Salt & Light Event 2020: Post - Corona Socioeconomic Implications in EU Member States

Wednesday, June 17, 2020
On the 29th of May 2020, our 10th General Members’ Assembly was held this time through Zoom. The formal GMA was followed by an informal program in which Sallux Members informed us on how the corona crisis impacted their work and what they see as important consequences on the economy and society of this crisis.

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Sallux Publishing: Cooperation with European POD (Printing on Demand) companies.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020
We are looking for new POD companies throughout Europe to expand printing possibilities of our publications on local level.

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Event Report: The Wilberforce Academy, Sweden, spring 2020

Monday, May 11, 2020
This spring, the Wilberforce Academy was re-launched, a course program for young professionals who wish to mature in their Christian faith and as active believers in society. Previously, the program was arranged by the Swedish Evangelical Alliance, but this year, the program was a joint project with the Clapham Institute, Apologia and Sallux.

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Is The Party Over?

Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Jeff Fountain is the director of the Schuman Centre for European Studies in Amsterdam, which offers biblical perspectives on Europe's past, present and future. This article was originally published in their "Weekly Word" series and is reposted with the author’s kind permission.

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In the Corona Crisis the Golden Rule Counts Even More

Friday, April 24, 2020
The pandemic immediately raises the question of what we should do and orient ourselves as a society. What is health worth to us? Who should be protected? How are scarce resources to be distributed? Which values are most important in which situation?

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Kompassi and Sallux ongoing project on science and politics: a contribution to the debate

Thursday, April 9, 2020
In the framework of the ongoing joint project of Kompassi and Sallux on politics and science, Tapio Luoma-aho, manager of Kompassi, wrote an excellent and timely contribution to this debate which we are happy to publish here. We thank him for this article that has been published as well at the website of Kompassi.

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Event Report: School for Young Leaders, Skopje

Monday, March 9, 2020
A successful joint event of Sallux and our member organization Integra Foundation took place in the context of the (then) ongoing EU discussion whether the EU would open accession talks with North Macedonia.

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Event Report: The Advanced School of Politics XVI Edition

Thursday, February 13, 2020
The initiative has the aim to give students the chance to study and debate many topics about Politics, Institutions, International Relations, Science, Anthropology and Ethical Issues.

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Event Report: Breakfast Meeting: SMEs and Family Welfare; A Challenge for the future of Europe

Monday, February 10, 2020
“The family is not here for the economy, but the economy is here for the family! We need a re-assortment of the purpose of economy. Caring love is what we need, otherwise there are detrimental consequences for our societies” - J. de Jong, Director Sallux

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Event Report: Training Young Politicians 2019

Monday, February 3, 2020
In the past year of 2019 our long-standing member organization and partner Areopagus has put together a programme aiming to stimulate academically informed knowledge, to consolidate a relevant Christian perspective and to produce high quality papers on the role of the Christian faith in socio-political, economic and cultural life in Romania.

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Event Report: The conference ”Mission: Kingdom of God” (Uppdrag: Guds rike)

Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The conference ”Mission: Kingdom of God” is a Swedish version of the ELF, but with European contributors only. It took place on the 22nd & 23rd of November in Stockholm.

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Event Report: Tbilisi Conference on Georgia’s EU Integration Policy

Sunday, November 17, 2019
The national conference on Georgia’s EU Integration Policy was held in Tbilisi on November 9th and 10th.

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Event Report International Conference: "After Capitalism: Economy, Values And Sustainable Society. Ukraine meets Europe"

Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Introduction of the Ukrainian translation of the book "After Capitalism" by Michael Schluter and Paul Mills.

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Event Report: Clapham Institute, Almedalen week in Visby July 2019

Tuesday, July 9, 2019
The Almedalen week is Sweden’s largest gathering of politicians and opinion-makers. This year the Clapham Institute held two seminars. One of them on the relations between Sweden/Europe and Israel in cooperation with Sallux.

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Event Report: Making The Case for Freedom

Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Human Rights & Free Speech in Europe today

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Event Report: Fifth annual Ceiliúradh Cois Life, Pro Life Dinner

Tuesday, June 25, 2019
This year's, the 2019 Dinner supported the new European initiative of ‘Students for Life’ that will create a Pan-European summit for pro-life students across Europe. 

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Salt & Light Event: Familiy as the Cornerstone for Country and Society

Wednesday, June 19, 2019
On the 13th of June 2019, our 8th General Members’ Assembly was held in the gorgeous city of Budapest followed by the annual Salt & Light event on the 14th of June in the Hungarian Parliament.

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Event Report: Towards a Europe of Stakeholder Nations

Thursday, April 18, 2019
On April 11 Sallux presented its second publication in the ‘Confederal Europe project’ that emphasizes the relations between the peoples and nations of Europe and is pointing a way forward based on the Judeo-Christian roots of the EU in the spirit of the EU founding fathers.

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Event Report: Sallux at the "Christliche Führungskräfte Kongress 2019" (KCF) in Karlsruhe, Germany

Wednesday, March 6, 2019
The event achieves to make leaders think about current issues and discover answers and solutions from a biblical perspective. The setting of an International Lounge functions as a connection point of leaders from various countries and offers the opportunity to present initiatives, campaigns and projects.

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Event Report: The Future of the EU and the EMU

Monday, March 4, 2019
The future of EU and EMU is under discussion. Especially since there are the EU Comission proposals for the development of EMU and the European Parliament elections are in June 2019. There is a need in analysis and vision of the future of EU and EMU. Is a confederal vision better than a federal?

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Event Report: The European Union’s policies concerning Jerusalem and the “Two-state Solution”

Wednesday, January 16, 2019
A seminar on the legal status of Jerusalem under international law and the future of the Two-State Solution took place on January 8-9, 2019 in the Czech Parliament in Prague.

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Event report: ‘Actions speak louder than Words’ Conference 2018

Monday, November 26, 2018
A conference was held in Malta to address many of Malta’s and Europe’s current Christian and political problems. The aim of this conference was to address current issues like Economy & trade, Migration & Refugee crisis, Freedom of expression and -religion, fraud & corruption prevention and the security of the Maltese islands and the European Union. All these issues we face are connected to the overall removal of Christian principles from government and economy.

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Event Report: Conference on Christian Politics in Eastern and Western Europe

Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Sallux Foundation and CDI Georgia organized a two-day conference on Christian Politics in Eastern and Western Europe aimed at building awareness in the CDPP and YCD local and regional leaders of the basic Christian Democratic values, state of Christian politics in Georgia as well as in Eastern and Western Europe.

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Notification: Changed location for conference in Malta

Tuesday, November 20, 2018
For some time now Sallux staff and the ECPM member party Alleanza Bidla have been working on the organization of a Conference in Malta. This press release is intended to publicly notify interested people that there Is a change of venue. The new Venue is: River of Love Christian Fellowship, Triq L-Imdina, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta.

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Event report: Family and Finance, a possible alliance?

Monday, October 22, 2018
On October 16th Sallux had the pleasure to cooperate with our partner FAFCE (European Federation of Catholic Family Associations) at an event which centred around the topic of alignement of family and economics.

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Event report: Relational Thinking, Kompassi

Monday, September 24, 2018
On the 21st of April the seminar on relational economics took place in cooperation with Kompassi followed by a second seminar on the 18th of September of the current year. The seminar was mainly focusing on cooperative kinds of entrepreneurship.

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Event report: Clapham Institute, Almedalen week in Visby, July 2018

Monday, July 9, 2018
The Almedalen week is Sweden’s largest gathering of politicians and opinion-makers. This year the Clapham Institute held two seminars where the institute also presented a new report on religion in the Swedish school system.

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Event Report: 7th Annual Salt & Light Event

Monday, June 11, 2018
On the 9th of June 2018, our 7th General Members’ Assembly was held in the gorgeous city of Timişoara, Romania. It was a productive GMA with a full programme where other key regional NGO’s were welcomed as well.

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Event Report: "The Christian Perspective of a United Europe: Roots and the Future."

Monday, June 4, 2018
"Deeply Rooted" International Conference on Christian values which formed the basis of the European Union. Presentation of the translation of the book into Ukrainian.

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Event Report: European Economic Summit 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018
The Economic Summit Europe meeting in The Hague and in Amsterdam on April 12th and 13th 2018 was well received. In this meeting we focused on the practical application of the Economics of Mutuality in business and management practice as well as in government and public policy.

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Event Report: Supporting Democracy in Syria

Monday, April 16, 2018
From 10th to 13th of April Sallux had the honor to host a delegation from the Executive Council of The Federation of Northern Syria through a series of events and high-level meetings.

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Event report: “The Economic and Refugee Crises: Political, Religious and Spiritual Dimensions”

Tuesday, February 27, 2018
This conference, Under the aegis of His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew took a deeper look in the combination of the Economic and Refugee crisis for Greek and European people as well as the situation for refugees and migrants.

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Stop the Turkish attack against Afrin! Stop the massacre of civilians!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Sign our petition in support of the innocent people of Afrin!

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Event Report: "Do we want to go forward? Then look back! The Christian roots in Europe and the West".

Thursday, January 25, 2018
On the 23rd of January 2018, The Clapham Institute, Johannelund Theological Seminary and Sallux arranged a conference day in Sweden on the Christian roots of European and Western civilization.

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Event report: Sallux @ MEHRForum during MEHR 2018 Conference in Augsburg, Germany

Tuesday, January 9, 2018
From January 4 to 7, 2018 Sallux was present at the MEHRforum in Augsburg at one of the most important conferences for young Christians in Germany.

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Newest Publication: Political Wisdom

Friday, December 8, 2017
During the General Assembly of the ECPM on Thursday December 7th, Sallux presented it's newest publication: Political Wisdom. This book is written by Rob Nijhoff and argues for a politics where ones values are acknowledged and where all ‘players in the field’ strive together for wisdom and the general good for society.

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Event report: Poverty Inc, Developing Development

Friday, December 1, 2017
During a well-attended event inside the European Parliament, Sallux, in corporation with Acton Institute and hosted by MEP Branislav Škripek, presented the documentary movie: Poverty Inc.

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Event Report: Conference on the Embryo Protection Act in Malta

Friday, November 17, 2017
Life Research Unit organised a conference on November 13th on the Reform of the Embryo Protection Act in collaboration with Sallux.

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Event report: Christian Foreign Affairs Academy

Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Sallux in cooperation with the Christian Democratic Forum (KDF), KÉSZ and the Barankovics Foundation organized a study weekend with the conference of the Carpathian Diplomacy - Christian Foreign Academy. Over 40 young people participated in the event.

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Event Report: Reformed Capitalism in the St. Joriskerk, Amersfoort

Monday, September 25, 2017
We where welcomed in the beautiful historic St. Joris (Saint George) Church in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Speakers from Jubilee Centre (Cambridge, UK) Scientific Institutes of the ChristenUnie and SGP parties and a MP from the ChristenUnie elaborated on what it means to "reform" our Capitalist system and society.

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Event report: After genocide: A Last Call for A Future for Christians in Iraq

Monday, July 3, 2017
On June 28-30, a major international conference on the Future of Christians and other minorities in Iraq took place in the European Parliament, Brussels. Lars Adaktusson MEP (EPP Group, Sweden) hosted the event together with Sallux and co-hosts from all major European party groups.

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Event report: Preventing Abortion in Europe, Legal Framework & Social Policies

Monday, June 26, 2017
A very well attended event in Brussels at 22 June in cooperation with Sallux, ECLJ and COMECE as well as other partner-organisations focused at how abortion can be prevented and reduced across Europe. The widespread use of abortion is a social problem and a matter of public health that affects the whole society and engages our future. The purpose of this seminar is to identify good practices for effective abortion prevention policies, particularly among young people.

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Event report: Christendom mainstreaming - Revaluating and reconfirming the role of Christianity in European policy

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Sallux | ECPM Foundation and the 'Right of the Republic Party' in Poland are pleased to look back at a successful and well-attended conference on Christendom mainstreaming - Revaluating and reconfirming the role of Christianity in European policy, which was held in the Polish Parliament Building (Sejm).

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Event Report: State of Europe Forum 2017 : Towards a Europe of Hope, Healing and Hospitality!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017
The sunny island of Malta is the President of the Council of Europe (#EU2017MT) for the first half of 2017. 9th of May, Europe day is thus celebrated in Maltese style. Sallux and the Schuman Centre of European Studies organized once again their State of Europe Forum in the beautiful city of Valletta on 7th & 8th of May. .

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Event Report: Sustainable development in Eastern Europe; 7-9 April, Kiev, Ukraine

Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Foundation for Democracy Initiatives and Sallux 7-9 of April held an international conference themed: "Sustainable development in Eastern Europe - security, cooperation based on Christian values”. The event took place in hotel "Verkhovyna" in Kyiv.

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Newest Sallux publication: available now

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
During an event in the European Parliament the newest publication of Sallux Publishing has been presented. Sallux presents the the publication: Confederal Europe; Strong nations, strong Union!

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Event Report: International Lounge with impact

Wednesday, March 1, 2017
From 23 to 25 February Sallux and the World Evangelical Alliance hosted the International Lounge at the bi-annual Congress for Christian Leaders (Kongress Christliche Fuhrungskrafte 2017), this time in Nuremberg.

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Event Sallux: Towards a Relational Europe!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016
In order to create a sharper profile of our organisation and to enhance the rebranding the Christian Political Foundation for Europe has changed its name to Sallux. The purpose is to become a better recognised organisation that ‘stands out in the crowd’.

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Event Report: Hope, help and empowerment for Iraqi Christians

Monday, November 28, 2016
FICDD, Christian Political Foundation for Europe, UPGO University and DTRC held a conference with 60 representatives of Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian political parties, NGO’s, Women-organisations, Academics and young people.

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Event Report: Helsinki seminar day: "Faith and the EU"

Saturday, November 19, 2016
Last month, on the 19th of November, CPFE, in cooperation with the Finnish Christian Democrat party (KD) and the Schuman Centre for European studies, organised a seminar day in Helsinki called “Usko ja EU” (Faith and the EU). The main speakers were Jeff Fountain, Jonathan Chaplin, Sari Essayah and Anneli Portman. Mr. Laukkanen (MP KD) chaired the event.

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TTIP: Economy should support life

Thursday, November 3, 2016
A lot has been said about free trade deals like CETA and TTIP. Issues that have not been raised are questions like: Is economic growth the only option and should it be prioritised above all else?

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Event Report: EES2016: “Business and Economics Promoting Justice, Integrity and Human Flourishing.”

Friday, September 9, 2016
The European Economic Summit (EES) is an invitation only event co-organised by Sallux in Amsterdam. This year we examined how new models can be used to promote justice, integrity and human flourishing in the times in which we live.

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Event Report: Christianity and the Future of our Societies

Friday, August 19, 2016
The Association of Reformational Philosophy (ARP) and Evangelische Theologische Faculteit (Evangelical Theological Faculty) Leuven organised this event in cooperation with the CPFE.

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Event Report: First Impressions

Sunday, June 19, 2016
To launch ‘First Impressions’ and to start a dialogue between Dutch citizens and newcomers, Verhalen van Vluchtelingen and First Impressions organised a special evening together within the theme of “first impressions” at 19 June in Amsterdam

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Event Report: Future of the Euro

Friday, June 10, 2016
As new tensions arise around the future of the eurozone it was the right moment to revisit the future of the Euro. The relevance of the topic became clear in the larger interest than expected when attendants defied the warm weather at 10 June in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

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Event Report: European Leadership Forum 2016

Monday, May 23, 2016
The CPFE partnered in the politics track of the European Leadership Forum from 22 – 24 May in Wisla, Poland. The main focus was political engagement of Christians in Europe and the situation of the refugees and the situation in Syria and Iraq. The participants included civil society and church leaders who aim for an informed increased involvement in society.

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Event Report: "SEEK THE COMMON GOOD" - The State of Europe Forum 2016

Monday, May 9, 2016
"Europeans must rise above narrow horizons of national interest, seek the international common good and urge fellow citizens to do likewise", argued dr. Jonathan Chaplin at the State of Europe Forum in Amsterdam (May 8 & 9).

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Event Report: ‘Virtuous business and youth unemployment’

Friday, April 22, 2016
Several leaders in business, civil society and politics took part in a lively discussion on youth unemployment and the role of ‘virtuous business’ at 21 April, London. Res Publica facilitated and organised this event in cooperation with Resurgo Trust and CPFE.

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Event Report: Roundtable 'Response to the Asylum Crisis along the refugee route'

Friday, February 19, 2016
Mr. Branislav Skripek MEP (ECR/Slovakia) opened the Roundtable by clearly admitting that so far politics had failed to produce a comprehensive or any other real workable solution for this crisis. He then went on to describe how the Slovakian government refused to give a place to more refugees. Finally he stressed the need to solve the crisis at the root of the problem which is primarily in Syria.

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Event Report: Which Europe?

Thursday, January 28, 2016
‘Which Europe?’, a thought provoking evening hosted by Theos and CPFE. The event took place at 27 January 2016 in London.

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Event Report: Conference “Conscious Elections. Empowering local communities in Ukraine”

Friday, October 16, 2015
On October 12th – 15th, 2015 a conference “Conscious Elections. Empowering local communities in Ukraine by the the CPFE and the Ukrainian Students’ Association has been held in Ternopil, Ukraine.

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Event Report: European Economic Summit 2015: ‘We live in a world of relations and need mutuality in our economy’

Saturday, August 29, 2015
The CPFE is pleased to look back at a very successful continuation of the European Economic Summit. Between 26 and 28 August many CEO’s, politicians and religious and civil society leaders and representatives met in Amsterdam and delved into the theme ‘Relational Thinking and the Economics of Mutuality’.

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Event Report: European Leadership Forum

Wednesday, June 3, 2015
During the European Leadership Forum the CPFE provided the political track in the largest Evangelical leadership gathering in Europe.

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Event Report: Freedom through Debt Relief

Wednesday, May 13, 2015
At 13 May the CPFE presented its latest publication ‘Personal Freedom through Debt Relief’ in the Brussels Press Club. This publication reports on household indebtedness in Europe and how faith-based volunteer projects make a difference in getting people out of problematic indebtedness.

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Event Report: ‘’Fear Not!” - the State of Europe Forum 2015 in Riga

Saturday, May 9, 2015
The Christian Political Foundation for Europe (CPFE) in partnership with the Schuman Centre for European Studies arranged on the 8 and 9 May in Riga, ‘’The State of Europe Forum’’.

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Event Report: International Lounge at Congress of Christian Leaders

Saturday, February 28, 2015
The CPFE in co-operation with the World Evangelical Alliance, hosted the International Lounge of the “Congress of Christian Leaders” (Kongress Christliche Führungskräfte (KCF)) that took place between 26 and 28 February 2015 in Hamburg, Germany. The Congress was attended by 3000 participants.

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Report first ECPF General Assembly of Members

Friday, June 24, 2011
The ECPF can look back at its successful first General Assembly of Members after its official recognition by the European Parliament. This first Members Assembly took place at 24 June in the Romanian Parliament. The ECPF assembly was chaired by its president David Fieldsend who opened the meeting with a prayer and welcomed all present for this special moment for the ECPF.

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Will the EU define marriage? Your action is needed!

Friday, March 18, 2011
Enforced EU-wide recognition of same-sex marriage? The ECPF wants to draw your attention to a report done by European Dignity Watch ( on a new proposal from the European Commission regarding the automatic recognition of civil status documents that could lead to a situation in which the EU member states will no longer define marriage.

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