Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Sallux | ECPM Foundation and the 'Right of the Republic Party' in Poland are pleased to look back at a successful and well-attended conference on Christendom mainstreaming - Revaluating and reconfirming the role of Christianity in European policy, which was held in the Polish Parliament Building (Sejm). During this conference, several speakers explored the need and the ways to put Christian thinking back at the basis of European policy. Christian thinking has been set aside by a large part of the European Institutions in the last decades. More and more they push Christian democracy to the side-lines of the EU. At the same time, we witness a decrease of solidarity and cohesion in the societies of Europe. Mr. Marek Jurek MEP introduced the topic of the conference by underlining the importance of affirmation of fundamental values of life and family. Furthermore he stressed the need for cooperation across Europe for these values. Prof. Dr. Kazimierz MichaĆ Ujadowski MEP underlined the need to develop a broad appeal based on Christian values and to reach out to the whole society. Especially as there is an increasing need for these values but a decreasing interest across Europe. Mr. Branislav Skripek MEP emphasized the need for Christian politicians to act according to their values. He noted that far too many MP’s and MEP’s give in to the pressure of liberal dominance in the media and do not vote on the issues as would fit to their values. Dr. Michael Schluter presented Christian relational thinking as a guarantee for a better future for the peoples of Europe based on Christian values and virtues for our continent. Dr. Schluter explained the outline of the new (Sallux) publication that he wrote: Confederal Europe, Strong Nations, Strong Union which is a concept for a new and better Europe. Fr. Prof. Dr. Piotr Mazurkiewicz explored in-depth the relation between the Catholic Church and Christian politicians. The danger is that either party will try to instrumentalize the other. However it is rather the task of the Church to inspire people and affirm fundamental values and for Christian politicians to implement them and to share their practical experience with the Church. Each has his own God-given role in reconfirming and reviving Europe’s spiritual heritage. Sallux thanks all speakers involved in the event for their inspiring and interesting contributions that lead to in-depth discussions and exchange. Sallux thanks the Right of the Republic Party for the excellent cooperation to realise this event.