Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Photo from: www.orszagjaro.net/esztergom Between 12 and 15 May in the beautiful surroundings of Esztergom and the Danube river we had a great time and really deep conversations over what divides and unites us in Europe. Around 15 young people from Western Europe and Central Europe had the courage to be really engaged in that conversation and make themselves vulnerable to listening to what ‘the other’ thinks and what his or her background is in terms of history and society. We discovered our differences but also our diverse backgrounds and how these backgrounds inform and shape us in terms of politics and views on Europe. We also discovered what unites us and where we find common ground and that this common ground is rooted in the Christian heritage in Europe. For Sallux the greatest compliment was that in the final meeting all participants indicated without reserve how this event was so different from the usual conferences and how the speakers and conversations changed and moved them to a broader understanding of one another and Europe. As Sallux we hope to build on this and we are actively considering how we can expand or continue this type of program as these conversations are so essential for Europe’s future. Finally we warmly thank Barankovics foundation and all those who helped to organize, all speakers and all those who participated in the event for their help and contributions.