Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Communism has influenced Ukrainian thinking about economy in different ways. After breaking out of the Soviet control Ukraine has been influenced largely by the capitalist system. What we have seen is that also this system has its limitations especially in social care and values. How can Ukraine become more European in the sense of its economy and the social values underpinning it? The book “After Capitalism” written by Michael Schluter and Paul Mills gives an insight in the economic systems and what alternative could be visible from a Christian point of view. This Sallux publication has been translated in Ukrainian in cooperation with the Foundation Democratic Initiatives (FDI), Ukraine. For the purpose of launching this publication the FDI together with Sallux organized a conference called: After Capitalism: economy, values, and Stable society. Different speakers from Ukraine and Europe discussed these topics in detail. The conference took place at 20 September in Kiev. Sallux thanks the FDI for the great cooperation and the organization of this impactful event.